Category Archives: Social Media

Wigs Online’s Favicon for your Home Screen


At Wigs Online we always try to make shopping on our website enjoyable and easy.  There are so many websites out there and it comes difficult sometimes to find your favourite website.

We have developed an icon that can be added to your home screen.  Our specially developed icon means that you can have a link on your home screen so there is no need to loose the page again.

The icon is specially designed for use on mobile devices.

On an Apple Phone or Device follow these instructions:

1.Go to ( It works best on Chrome and Firefox)

2.Click on the Download Symbol next to the address bar.

3. Click on the option “Add to Home Screen”

4.Click Add and now you will have our pretty icon on your screen.


On An Android

1. Go to using Chrome or Firefox.  ( Safari is not setup to work with this.)

2. Click on the settings button on the bottom left hand corner of your phone.

3.  Click add Shortcut to Home

4.  Check you Home screen and you will find a bookmark for Wigs Online.


We are always eager to make your shopping experience as pleasant as possible.  We are always open to suggestions and value our customer’s feedback.  Feel free to contact us via Email or phone  1300 79 75 79 if you are having issues with any aspect of our website.


Wigs Online Social Media

Fb page_wolWigs Online is an Australian based and owned company. We have Australian staff that are available by phone, email or live chat depending how you prefer to communicate with us.  Over the years in business communication has changed dramatically.

Gone are the days where everyone shopped locally within a 1km radius of there homes. Being online gives us great exposure to a wider audience.  To keep in touch with our clients and the public we regularly update our social media platforms.  Here is a list of our Social media platforms for you to follow and gain an insight to our business.


We began our Facebook page in 2010.  We like to contribute to this page regurlarly to keep our clients up to date with new product and information about many issues that can relate to a wig wearer.  We have currently over 2300 followers and its growing on a daily basis.


Instagram is a great platform to show images creatively and have some fun with it.  Many of us love perusing through images to gain ideas of what is available and inspiration to create our own style.


Pinterest is another place we enjoy displaying some of our product as well as some common interests that we like to share with our audience. As well as the many Wig Boards we have boards sharing some of our interest in fashion, travel, and funny tidbits.


Twitter is our newest platform and we have just started exploring the many aspects of this social media platform.

f_logo instagram Pinteresttwitter-logo