Why Wear a Wig?

Our image is how we think others see us. Our hair is part of that image. When we look in a mirror, we identify with what we see.  Even without a mirror we have an idea of how we want our hair to look like.

As a man or woman begins to lose hair, the image in the mirror no longer matches the internal self-image developed over many years.  This can cause anxiety since we feel much the same as before the hair loss. Hair Loss does not affect our physical health but can make us look older. When we see our reflection in the mirror, a different image confronts us.


Our hair is one of the most defining aspects of our appearance. A healthy head of hair makes us look attractive, youthful, and desirable. Our appearance directly affects our own self-image, and most of us want to maintain a self-image that is youthful and healthy looking.  Our appearance attributes to how we feel about ourselves and affects our we interact with others. It affects our self-confidence, our mental health and our relationships.  Having a full head of hair can improve the quality of our life, our success in business relationships, and our success in romance.


But despite the fact that losing hair, and even going bald, is part of the normal process of aging, we often don’t accept it. At age forty, most people feel simlar as they did at age thirty, or even age twenty. Facing hair loss, people may begin to feel foreign to themselves and somewhat disoriented. This discomfort results in a desire to return to the former, more youthful appearance. There are many cosmetic, medical, and surgical options for people who really want to do something about hair loss.The media especially television and film industry place emphasis on models and actors with long luscious hair. This portrays a feeling of hair being important to look great.


For some people, hair loss can be permanent or temporary.  A wig can give us the image we want to see in the mirror.  A wig can restore that self confidence and quality of life that we all strive for.  If we look better then we feel better and no one has to know that we are wearing a wig.


These days there s a huge variety of wigs, hairpieces and extensions that can be very easy and comfortable to wear.





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